The Livestock Insect Workers Conference (LIWC) is a professional society of veterinary entomologists and industry experts in North America who conduct research on animal ectoparasites including mites, ticks, lice, and biting flies or who otherwise work to control these pests. The LIWC also serves to disseminate information about new products or novel methods to control these pests. Members of the LIWC hold an annual conference to share knowledge and address issues related to control of animal ectoparasites.

Origin Story....In the summer of 1956, USDA researchers and industry partners organized an informal meeting they called the "Animal Systemic Insecticide Conference" to disseminate information on pest control products for cattle. In 1957, this meeting was expanded and renamed as the Livestock Insect Workers Conference with the first Annual Meeting held in Kerrville, TX. At the 61st Annual Meeting of the LIWC held in Savannah, GA, founding member Roger Drummond discussed the origin and early years of the LIWC which you can read be selecting the link below.